
We found 187 products and 198 content results for "XK71-LORA-IOT-KIT"

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24 results for 'XK71-LORA-IOT-KIT'
Building a Spaceship Interface with the Arduino Starter Kit

This project guides you in using the Arduino Starter Kit to create a hands-on spaceship interface with switches and lights, providing students with valuable insights into digital inputs and outputs, fundamental programming structures, and resistors.

How to setup NodeRed and install a custom GPIO module on the ROCK 4C+

Node-RED is an open-source flow-based programming tool designed for wiring together hardware devices, APIs, and online services. It provides a visual programming interface that allows users to create and deploy event-driven applications easily. In Linux, Node-RED is a popular choice for IoT (Internet of Things) projects, automation, and rapid prototyping.

Arduino Opta PLC controller
Program the Arduino OPTA as a ModbusTCP PID Controller

In this project, we program Opta as a PID (Proportional, Integral, Derivative) controller communicating over ModbusTCP protocol for an industrial network.

Using AI for sound recognition

Learn how to use an Arduino microcontroller and a Things On Edge Cricket module to get notified on your smartphone every time the smoke alarm goes off.



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