Case Study: Arduino Opta for Vapor Monitoring and Faster Reporting via the Cloud

Arduino Opta


Discover how AMB Vapor Monitoring overcame the challenges of traditional environmental monitoring methods by embracing cutting-edge cloud technology. This case study delves into AMB’s journey to revolutionise building safety through real-time data collection and proactive monitoring, powered by Arduino Opta micro PLC from Arduino Pro.

The Challenge

Ensuring indoor air safety in buildings constructed over contaminated soil or groundwater posed a significant challenge for AMB Vapor Monitoring. Traditionally, manual collection of differential pressure data at client sites was time-consuming and costly.

Beyond the immense time and costs involved with this cumbersome requirement, the potential for a failure to occur to the sub-slab depressurisation system between the duration of collecting differential pressure data without any alerts could put building occupants’ health and safety at risk. AMB was looking for a revolutionary solution to efficiently collect real-time data from numerous testing locations while ensuring immediate failure alerts.

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The Solution

AMB chose to work with Arduino Opta, which is a secure, easy-to-use micro PLC with industrial IoT capabilities, supporting Arduino programming experience and PLC standard languages.

The Opta was the perfect choice for them, specifically for its adaptability to various environmental conditions and seamless cellular data transmission capabilities. Arduino’s cloud platform streamlined data collection, facilitated intuitive dashboards, and provided timely alerts, significantly enhancing AMB’s monitoring system.

Benefits & Results

The collaboration with Arduino Pro accelerated AMB’s time-to-market and resulted in substantial cost savings during research and development. Leveraging Arduino’s ecosystem of hardware, software, and cloud solutions, AMB cut down development time, saved on software licenses, and delivered an industrial-grade solution.


Arduino Pro case study


AMB Vapor Monitoring built its solution with Arduino Pro and:

  • Cut down development time thanks to frictionless code porting and a variety of readily available libraries
  • Saved money on software licenses while still getting an industrial-grade solution
  • Accelerated time-to-market by leveraging a whole ecosystem of hardware, software and cloud solutions.

Future Outlook

With Arduino’s technology as the foundation, AMB Vapor Monitoring aims to expand its portfolio of connected automation products and services. The company envisions continued partnership with Arduino to enhance sub-slab differential pressure monitoring solutions, driving efficiency, accuracy, and cost savings while ensuring a safer environment.


AMB Team

“Once we discovered the Opta, our whole world changed. We went from, ‘I don’t know if we can truly do this,’ to ‘I think we can do this in a much quicker timeframe’.”

– Mark Bishop, AMB co-founder


This case study first appeared on



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