The Ultimate EV Charging Solution: OKdo ROCK CM3 for EV Charging Stations

EV Charging point


As the landscape of electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure continuously evolves, companies are constantly seeking innovative solutions to meet growing demands. One such company, based in the UK, found itself at a crossroads when faced with supply chain challenges while developing EV charging points. Their journey took an unexpected turn when supply chain challenges with Raspberry Pi led to project delays, prompting them to explore alternatives. This is the inspiring story of how OKdo’s ROCK CM3 emerged as the perfect solution, demonstrating its potential to revolutionise the EV charging industry.

The Challenge

The company faced significant challenges due to the supply chain issues they experienced with Raspberry Pi. They had to put their project on hold and explore other alternatives, which was a setback for their business. As a company that produces EV charging points, they knew that demand for their products was high, and they needed to find a reliable and cost-effective alternative that could meet their business needs.

EV Charging point

The Solution

OKdo’s technical team was able to understand their business needs and identify the most suitable solution to satisfy their requirements – an almost drop-in replacement for the Raspberry Pi CM4 that they used initially. The ROCK 3 Compute Module (CM3) could be seamlessly integrated into their products, aligning with the client’s cost and availability requirements. OKdo worked hand-in-hand with the company to re-engineer the charging points and harmonise the component layout differences between the boards to optimise compatibility and functionality.

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Benefits & Results

OKdo’s technical expertise helped the company integrate the ROCK CM3 into their product, a solution that could help them overcome supply chain challenges and find a reliable and cost-effective alternative that could meet their needs. OKdo’s support turned a stumbling block into a stepping stone, showcasing the versatility of the ROCK range of compute modules and OKdo’s services.


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