MakeKit Snow:Bit


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Say hello to MakeKit Snow:Bit. Get ready to whip up your own super-fast snow-racer with propellers! This kit contains a top-notch laser-cut birch veneer that’s as cool as it gets.



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Product Details


Say hello to MakeKit Snow:Bit. Get ready to whip up your own super-fast snow-racer with propellers! This kit contains a top-notch laser-cut birch veneer that’s as cool as it gets.


You’ll learn the ropes of bending skis with steam in the good old traditional way, just like they used to make wooden skis. On snow, the Snow:Bit utilises both engines to kick air backward, letting you hit speeds up to 40 km/h! And hey, you can play around with different ski lubes to find the slickest one.

You can go with or without the included skis, Snow: Bit is a pro on flat and hard surfaces.

What’s needed for the MakeKit Snow:Bit?

Gear up with:

  • Wood glue, super glue, or two-component glue
  • Glue clamps
  • Kettle or pot
  • Pliers





Snow:bit Single


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