Grove Shield For Micro:Bit V2


Grove Shield For Micro:Bit V2

Grove Shield For Micro:Bit V2

Kids and novices love the pocket-sized micro:bit microcontroller. Specially designed to help you learn how to program, it makes it truly easy to introduce your own ideas into DIY digital games, interactive projects and robotics. This Grove shield is a plug-and-play extension board specially created for micro:bit. Cleverly, it acts as a bridge for micro:bit and the grove system, letting you quickly access hundreds of different grove modules for your projects from sensors and actuators to communications and displays. You’ll find the grove shield for micro:bit features four grove connectors on board and reserves an extra four pin outs if you need to add more.


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Kids and novices love the pocket-sized micro:bit microcontroller. Specially designed to help you learn how to program, it makes it truly easy to introduce your own ideas into DIY digital games, interactive projects and robotics. This Grove shield is a plug-and-play extension board specially created for micro:bit. Cleverly, it acts as a bridge for micro:bit and the grove system, letting you quickly access hundreds of different grove modules for your projects from sensors and actuators to communications and displays. You’ll find the grove shield for micro:bit features four grove connectors on board and reserves an extra four pin outs if you need to add more.







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