CircuitMess Spencer – Build & code your own voice assistant!

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  • CircuitMess Spencer – Build & code your own voice assistant!

CircuitMess Spencer – Build & code your own voice assistant!

CircuitMess Spencer – Build & code your own voice assistant!

  • Build your own voice assistant
  • Hands-on STEM experience
  • Suitable for novices
  • Estimated build time of 4 hours
  • Use CircuitBlocks to teach Spencer new tricks

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Spencer is a talkative new friend that tells jokes, answers questions and sings. By building Spencer students will learn about coding, internet of things, artificial intelligence, voice recognition, and speech synthesis. Ideal for ages 11+.


Benefits of Spencer: DIY voice assistant kit

  • No previous knowledge is required making it an excellent way to empower students through hands-on STEM experience while having fun.
  • Students will learn coding skills in artificial intelligence, voice recognition & speech synthesis, and C++
  • Learn hardware skills in soldering & hardware assembly, sound processing, microcomputers, LED displays, and other electronic components
  • Learn critical future skills for careers in the engineering world
  • Spencer can play games, answer questions, tell stories, tell you the weather forecast, and even talk like a pirate.
  • Spencer’s microphone understands everything you say, and his programmable LED board can display custom animations.
  • Step-by-step jargon free instructions ensure students will be able to build Spencer with minimal help
  • You can ask Spencer questions the same day it arrives; it’s estimated it takes just 4 hours to build.
  • Once built CircuitBlocks can be used to code new functions and teach Spencer new tricks.

What’s included

The kit includes:

Front display circuit board

Main circuit board

Acrylic casing

Micro USB cable


Bag with electronic components

Electrolytic capacitors

Spencer’s arms and legs

OKdo recommends

CircuitMess Tools Pack









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