
We found 9 products and 32 content results for "nvidia"

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17 results for 'nvidia'
Case Study: How NVIDIA AI-Powered Tractors Are Changing the Game for Organic Agriculture

Discover how Verdant's AI-powered tractor, fueled by NVIDIA Jetson edge AI platform, is revolutionising organic farming with real-time 3D vision, precision applications, and sustainable practices. Dive into the cutting-edge technology reshaping the future of agriculture.

Case study
Case Study: Revolutionising Dialysis, how a NVIDIA AI Model can predict Heart Failure risk with 90% accuracy

Discover how Taipei Veterans General Hospital is leveraging real-time AI predictions during dialysis procedures to prevent heart failure risks and save lives. Learn how NVIDIA Jetson edge AI platform is revolutionising patient care in the healthcare sector.

Case study
Case Study: PepsiCo’s NVIDIA AI-Powered Leap into Precision Automation

Discover how PepsiCo leads the charge in distribution automation with KoiReader's cutting-edge AI platform, revolutionising efficiency, and accuracy in dynamic environments. Dive into their game-changing collaboration powered by NVIDIA technology.

Case study
The Future of AI in Healthcare: OKdo Nano C100 Advancing Leukemia Diagnosis

Explore how the OKdo Nano C100 Kit revolutionizes leukemia diagnosis, leveraging cutting-edge technology for transformative healthcare impact.

Case study


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