In this project, you’ll learn to configure the one-wire interface on your Raspberry Pi to provide power and data from a single pin. You will be integrating this with sensors while learning some basics of Python programming.


1. Get your Pi ready

You should start with a switched-on Raspberry Pi connected to mouse, keyboard and monitor, you can learn here how to do it using an Okdo Pi kit

2. Build the circuit

  • Connect a female-male jumper A from the 1st pin on the bottom row of the Pi to the Red Rail (live) of the breadboard
  • Connect a female-male jumper B from the 7th pin on the top row of the Pi to the Blue Rail (ground) of the breadboard
  • Connect a male-male jumper C from the Blue Rail (ground) on the breadboard to A4
  • Connect a female-male jumper D from the 4th pin on the bottom row of the Pi to C5
  • Bridge the the 4.7k Ohm resistor E between A5 and A6
  • Connect a male-male jumper F from the Red Rail (live) to C6
  • Identify the pins of the temperature sensor. The curved part of the component is the back and the pins are positioned as in the diagram below

  • Place the temperature sensor’s Pin 1 in 4E
  • Place the temperature sensor’s Pin 2 in 5E
  • Place the temperature sensor’s Pin 3 in 6E

3. Enable the sensor

The temperature sensor will be read by the Pi using what’s known as 1-wire interface. This is a single connection through which data is transfered.

  • From the Raspberry menu select Preferences/Raspberry Pi Configuration

  • From the Configuration menu select the Interfaces tab and enable 1-Wire
  • Reboot your Pi and open Terminal and enter the following commands followed by Return after each one
cd /sys/bus/w1/devices


  • This will check whether the one-wire interface is defined or not . If it is you’ll see something like this:

In my case the One-Wire interface is listed as: 28-00000b79859d

  • Go to the 1-Wire directory directory by typing the following command using the number you got and pressing Return
cd 28-00000b79859d

The sensor stores the temperature in a file called w1_slave, to list its contents, type the following command and press Return.

cat w1_slave

In my case the temperature listed was 22375 which is the temperature in Celsisus without the decimal point. This should be read as 22.375° C

4. Programme with Python

From the main menu select Programming/Thonny Pythone IDE

import os
import glob
import time
os.system('modprobe w1-gpio')
os.system('modprobe w1-therm')
base_dir = '/sys/bus/w1/devices/'
device_folder = glob.glob(base_dir + '28*')[0]
device_file = device_folder + '/w1_slave'
def read_temp_raw():
    f = open(device_file, 'r')
  • Paste the commands above into Thonny’s editor window and press Return
  • Save the Python script you just created as
  • Click Run.


You should now see the temperature readings printed at the bottom of the window in both Celsius and Fahrenheit

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